
Finding Your Optimal Temperature for Your Yin Yoga Practice

The allure of Yin Yoga lies in its gentle exploration of the deeper connective tissues, offering a meditative counterpoint to the dynamic yang practices. Yet, a question that I’ve been asked is: should you practise with warm or cool muscles? While no definitive answer exists, understanding the benefits of each approach can guide you towards your optimal Yin experience.


Rethinking Alignment: Beyond the Myth of the Straight Spine

In the world of yoga, the idea of “keeping your spine straight” hums in the background like a familiar mantra, presented as an unquestionable truth. But what if this popular alignment tip isn’t quite accurate?

The truth is, our spines are naturally curved structures designed for movement, not rigidity. From simply rising from bed to navigating daily activities, our spinal discs absorb significant pressure. This flexibility is why our vertebrae are cushioned and the lower spine has reduced sensitivity – pain would be our constant companion otherwise!

The lower back, in particular, is a marvel of strength and resilience. The sacroiliac joint, its foundation, is heavily padded to handle the demands of movement. However, it can become prone to tension and pain, leading to chronic discomfort.

Conventional therapies for back pain often emphasise keeping the spine still. While this makes sense for severe injuries, most back concerns actually benefit from movement. This is where yoga, particularly Yin Yoga, shines.

Yin Yoga encourages gentle exploration of the spine, prioritising slow, mindful movements over forced straightness. This approach fosters trust in the spine’s innate resilience, even when discomfort or fear arise during movement.

Our spines benefit from appropriate stress, not just rest. The seven layers of fascia surrounding the spine respond to stretching and compression by becoming stronger and more pliable. In other words, the more you move your spine safely, the more it will be able to move.

Each section of the spine has its own natural curve, contributing to our overall flexibility and strength. Yet, the fitness world’s aesthetic ideals often portray straight lines as optimal, leading to an unfounded fear of spinal rounding. This fear has even influenced some yoga teachings, creating unnecessary rigidity in alignment practices.

Yin Yoga challenges this misconception. We believe that safe spinal movement, including rounding and bending, is not only enjoyable but essential for long-term spinal health.

If stiffness or tightness are your companions, Yin Yoga offers a gentle invitation to explore movement as a pathway to relief. It can help relieve lower back pain, maintain spinal health as we age, and improve overall flexibility.

So, let’s move beyond the myth of the straight spine and embrace the natural grace and adaptability of our amazing bodies. Deep Stretch Yin classes take place monthly at the Barn in Houlton, Rugby. No prior experience needed! Join me to experience the joy of mindful movement in your own spine.


Embark on a Transformative Yoga Journey through a Series

I like to treat each 5 or 6-week yoga class block as a little course. Every yoga block is curated around a theme, be it a specific pose, an energetic exploration, or a dive into profound yogic philosophical concepts. Within these classes, ancient wisdom weaves its way, creating an experience that’s more than just physical – it’s a soulful connection. Whether it’s a slow burn kindling your inner fire or a gentle exploration guided by mindful breaths, expect to depart feeling renewed, empowered, and deeply connected to something within.

In our Nov/Dec series, we focussed on the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders, working towards our versions of Bird of Paradise pose. This journey mirrored the spirit of Tapas, inviting you to step into the unknown where transformation awaits.

And no need to be intimidated about some of the “big” postures. My classes aren’t about chasing an elusive perfection that doesn’t exist in yoga; rather, they’re about embracing the journey. Each session becomes a conduit for connection – with our bodies, minds, and inner wisdom.

By revisiting a similar foundational sequence each week of the block, your body learns where to go, developing strong foundations and often muscle memory, usually fostering progress in postures. I invite students to embrace the initial unfamiliarity – it’s your body whispering, “Hello, possibility!”

The final class of every block is a celebration of your unique journey. We collaboratively choose a pose, and your vote determines what we delve into.

So, take a deep breath, move with intention, and witness your brilliance unfold. Remember, the journey is uniquely yours, and the mat is always ready to support it.


‘Yoga, Dough and Delights’ in Collaboration with Rugby Real Bread

Exciting offering on the wellness and culinary scene! I’ve teamed up with the Rugby Real Bread Company to offer an unforgettable day of “Yoga, Dough, and Delights” on Saturday 9th March in Houlton, Rugby.

This day is all about nurturing your body and soul. Immerse yourself in mindfulness and movement through carefully curated yoga classes. Experience the ‘Feel-Good Flow’ and ‘Unwind and Restore’ sessions, designed to help you find your inner balance and leave you feeling rejuvenated.

But that’s not all! Explore the world of bread-making with Paul from Rugby Real Bread. Learn the art of mixing, shaping, and baking two delectable breads: a savory Feta & Spinach Loaf and irresistible chocolate twists. Gain new skills and create mouthwatering masterpieces to take home with pride.

What’s Included?

Two x 60-minute Yoga Sessions:

– Feel-Good Yoga Flow: A dynamic session (not too fast, not too slow) to energise your body and mind.

– Unwind and Restore: A soothing practice to relax and rejuvenate.

Two x hands-on 60 minute Artisan Bread-Making Classes with the Rugby Real Bread Company:

– Feta & Spinach Loaf: Learn to create a savory masterpiece with all ingredients and equipment provided (vegans welcome).

– Chocolate Twists: Delve into the world of sweet indulgence as you craft delightful chocolate twists, complete with all necessary supplies.


Tea, Coffee, Infused water

Assorted focaccia and fruit

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to feed your body and soul. Full details!


Why the Posture Names are Different in Yin Yoga

Forget picture-perfect poses and yoga rulebooks – Yin Yoga welcomes you to a quiet revolution on the mat. It’s a practice where intuition and self-exploration trump strict alignment and external expectations.

Instead of chasing fancy shapes, Yin invites you to sink into postures, hold them for longer stretches, and feel the effects deep within. Think of it as a gentle hug for your insides, releasing tension and nurturing your connective tissues.

So, why the different posture names?


Weekly Yoga Classes in Rugby Full for January

Just a quick update about my weekly Vinyasa Flow yoga classes in Rugby. All weekly classes are fully booked until 9th February. Thank you so much for your continued support. It means so much to me!

📅 Booking Information for Future Classes

I’ll be reopening the booking link later this month for the upcoming class series in February and March.


Doors Are Open for Yoga in Rugby 9th January!

***Updated 06/01/24 Just ONE space left at ‘Flow + Chill’ class.***

Ready to dive into tranquility and immerse yourself in a thoughtful flowing sequence of yoga postures, designed to help you build strength, flexibility, and balance? Consider making this your fresh start for 2024!

Book your spot now for yoga classes starting on January 9th in Houlton! With some of my beginner students moving to the intermediate level class, there are some openings in the ‘Flow + Chill’ class — a beginner to moderate level session running from 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm every Tuesday. Seize this opportunity to begin your journey towards balance and well-being!


Flow + Chill: Tuesdays 7.15-8.15pm (Houlton)

Suitable for beginners and those seeking to unwind and decompress. This class is a way of slowing down, showing your body kindness and finding balance in your life. Expect more cues on alignment, slower movements and deep stretches to melt away layers of tension from the day or from physical exertion. It’s the ideal wind-down from life’s busyness to prepare for a peaceful night.

Dynamic Flow: Tuesdays 6-7pm (Houlton) & Fridays 9.15-10.15am (Eastlands)

These intermediate level, heat-building classes are thoughtfully curated to encompass meditation, breathwork, yoga postures, and relaxation techniques. Embrace the opportunity to explore your limits and challenge your practice as you build strength, flexibility, and balance. Leave each session feeling not only relaxed but also empowered and inspired!

Testimonials: Hear what some of my students say about their experience in my classes:

Ashleigh: “My favourite yoga teacher! I’ve been attending Gemma’s Flow and Chill classes for nearly a year. It really helps me to relax and switch off. As well as the poses, Gemma explains the meaning behind what you’re doing and helps you to understand the mind/body connection. She is such a lovely, caring soul, and her classes are incredibly welcoming, I recommend for all levels.”

Vanessa: “I’ve been going to Gemma’s classes for nearly a year and I love them. The yoga is great, and I’m getting so much stronger! But it’s more than yoga, Gemma cares and makes you feel so welcome … each week I give myself this hour to reground and look after myself. It’s great!”

Angela: “I’ve been going to Gemma’s classes for nearly a year and they are fantastic. She puts great thought and care into her lessons. I always come away feeling energised, calmer and ready for the rest of the week! I would recommend her classes whether you’ve done lots of yoga or are just starting out. Gemma will make you feel welcome and guide you through, whatever your level.”

Carmen: “If I could give Gemma a 10* review, then I would. Gemma doesn’t just teach yoga, she offers us a beautiful, soulful experience, a sense of peacefulness, mental, and physical wellbeing. She’s a beautiful soul who demonstrates care for each and every one of her class attendees with such a warm welcome. Her yoga teaching is exceptional, and I always feel that I’ve entered into my happy place.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Curious about whether you are ready for yoga, what to expect or what to bring to classes? Check out my FAQ section here.

Booking Information: Limited Availability. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your spot.


Give the Gift of Yoga & Artisan-Bread Making

Gift the Experience of Serenity and Creativity! 🌟

Embrace the spirit of giving with a unique experience! 🎄✨ Email Christmas gift cards for the ‘Yoga, Dough & Delights Day’ on 9th March are now available.

What’s in Store?
Immerse yourself in a rejuvenating day at Houlton School, Rugby, where tranquility meets creativity. Join me and Paul from Rugby Real Bread for a memorable day filled with:

  • Two yoga sessions to nourish the body and calm the mind.
  • Two hands-on artisan bread-making classes, guided by Paul from Rugby Real Bread.
  • Snacks and refreshment included.

All of this for £59!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gift someone (or yourself!) an unforgettable day of serenity and skill.

🔗 Secure Your Spot Today!
Hurry, limited spaces available! Reserve your spot now!


Embracing Transformation: Making Tapas a Part of Your Everyday Life

Tapas is one of the five niyamas outlined in the Yoga Sutras. Tapas is more than just a concept; it’s the very essence that pulses through the veins of yoga practice. Translations vary, but at its core, Tapas embodies self-discipline, a touch of austerity, a burning desire, motivation, and dedication. Picture it as the secret sauce, a transformative elixir that empowers you to navigate past short-term distractions and desires, keeping your gaze firmly fixed on your loftiest aspirations.

Tapas is about dedicated focus, an unwavering commitment that resides at the heart of yoga. It beckons you to embrace the kind of discipline that purges impurities, unveiling the dormant powers within, all while engaging your mind and body in a subtle resistance workout.

  1. Challenge Complacency: Breaking Free from Habits

Time to shake things up! Challenge complacency by taking a break from the usual grind for a week. It’s like hitting the reset button and getting to know those habits that might be holding you back. Change is good, right?

  1. Morning Routine Shift: Waking Up to Purpose

Late risers, unite! Set that alarm a bit earlier and feel the magic. Use the bonus time for things that light you up – it’s like a secret weapon for a more purposeful and disciplined day.

  1. Consistent Disciplines: Yoga and Meditation for Holistic Development

Meet your new BFFs: yoga and meditation. These daily practices are like superheroes, bringing discipline to every corner of your life.

  1. Endurance Building: Embodying the Essence of Tapas

Let’s talk endurance – the heart and soul of tapas. Dive into projects that go the distance. Success isn’t just about the finish line; it’s about enjoying the journey and flexing those persistence muscles. You’re a tapas warrior!

  1. Mind-Body Harmony: Bridging the Gap Through Yoga Challenges

Yoga challenges, anyone? Conquer those tricky poses and bridge the gap between mind and body. Take an extra breath when things get tough – because resilience is not just for the mat; it’s for everyday superhero living.

  1. Mindfulness Integration: Pausing for Reflection

Pause and breathe! Before making decisions, let mindfulness be your guide. It’s like hitting the brakes before things get too crazy, allowing for a moment of reflection. Decisions, decisions – now made with style.

  1. Morning Awareness Ritual: Consciously Seizing the Day

Rise and shine! Time for a new morning routine that whispers ‘I’m here for a fantastic day!’ Make your bed for that small victory, observe your morning moves, ditch the habits that don’t spark joy, and consciously set the vibe for the day. Morning rituals just got an upgrade.

  1. Move towards Challenges: Embrace Growth Opportunities

Challenge yourself by actively seeking out new and unfamiliar experiences. Move towards challenges that push your boundaries, and relish the growth that comes from stepping outside your comfort zone.

  1. Selfless Service: Extend a Helping Hand

In the spirit of tapas, practise selfless service. Extend a helping hand to others without expecting anything in return. Lean into something that does not benefit you directly. It’s a powerful way to cultivate compassion and make a positive impact on the world.

So, there you have it – tap into these awesome practices and watch the magic happen. By challenging the norm, embracing a bit of discipline, moving towards challenges, making your bed for that small victory, incorporating a morning ritual, and practising selfless service, tapas becomes your personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. Get ready to unlock those hidden powers and groove into a life of holistic well-being. You got this!

At my yoga classes in Rugby, I weave in ancient wisdom and see how it applies to modern lifestyles. Find out more about my vinyasa and yin yoga classes in Rugby.


Ignite Your Inner Fire: Tapas off the Yoga Mat

Yoga is so much more than a physical practice and in our current 6-week yoga block, we are exploring the Niyama, Tapas— ancient yogic wisdom around self-discipline, courage and transformation.

It’s more than physical effort; Tapas shapes our mental resilience and emotional fortitude beyond the mat. Picture breaking free from routine, avoiding stagnation. As the saying goes, “if we always do, what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we’ve always got.” Transformation is just outside your comfort zone. Without Tapas, we risk repeating cycles. True change lies outside comfort zones; growth emerges from challenges!

Tapas is not about self-inflicted pain; it’s about self-discipline, guiding us to strive for our best selves without harming ourselves or others. We practice ahimsa, non-violence, both internally and externally, respecting our bodies, minds, and the world around us.

In week 3 of our classes this week in Houlton and Eastlands in Rugby, we looked at Tapas in everyday life, finding strength in discomfort. Tapas brings a renewed passion for growth into our daily lives. We become mindful, committed, and resilient, transforming into agents of positive change! Let us embrace challenges, cultivate inner strength, and radiate compassion towards ourselves and all beings.