
Focus on: Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

In our current yoga series, we’re delving into Garudasana, or Eagle Pose. This graceful pose invites us to explore balance, focus, and release. Over the series, we are peeling back the layers of this pose, discovering its physical benefits, mental challenges, and its beautiful symbolism as a practice of grounding while soaring.

Why Eagle Pose?

Here’s how the posture can help you:

  • Boost Balance and Stability: Garudasana strengthens the standing leg, ankles, and core, helping improve your overall balance.
  • Improve Flexibility: Twisting the arms and legs stretches the shoulders, upper back, thighs, and hips.
  • Sharpen Focus: Staying in this intricate pose takes concentration, bringing you fully into the present moment.
  • Encourage Letting Go: The binds in Eagle Pose help release tension and make space for clarity.

How to Get into Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose can feel a bit like solving a puzzle, but it’s one we piece together step by step. Here’s how:

  1. Find Your Foundation:
    • Start standing tall in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Ground through both feet, then shift your weight to your right foot, rooting it firmly into the ground.
  2. Cross the Legs:
    • Lift your left leg and cross it over your right thigh. If you’re ready for a challenge, hook your left foot behind your right calf; otherwise, let the toes rest on the ground for stability.
  3. Wrap the Arms:
    • Stretch your arms forward, then cross your right arm over your left at the elbows. Bend them, bringing the forearms vertical, and press your palms together. If that’s tricky, place the backs of your hands together or hold your shoulders.
  4. Align and Engage:
    • Sink back as if sitting in a chair, keeping your spine long and chest lifted. Engage your core to stay steady.
  5. Focus:
    • Pick a spot in front of you to focus on. This will help with balance. Take slow, steady breaths as you hold for 3-5 breaths, then switch sides.

Modifications and Tips

  • Struggling with balance? Practise near a wall or hold onto a chair for support.
  • Tight shoulders? Skip the arm bind or keep the arms crossed in a simpler position.
  • Remember, it’s about exploring and having a go, not about getting it perfect.
  • Progression: To deepen the pose, hinge forward at the hips, bringing your elbow to your knee and resting your chin in the cup of your hand. Move with control, allowing your breath to guide you into the variation.

Symbolism of the Eagle

The eagle represents vision and strength, soaring high while staying sharp and aware. In Garudasana, we embody this balance: rooting through the standing leg while lifting through the chest and extending energy outward. It’s a lovely reminder to stay grounded while reaching for the skies.

Join Us on the Journey

During this series, we’ll gradually build strength and flexibility, exploring Garudasana layer by layer. Whether it’s a new pose for you or an old favourite, this journey is about learning, growing, and enjoying the process—both on the mat and beyond.

Why not see where yoga can take you! Booking opens on 6 February for our next class series.

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